Peter (Scotty) Scott Partner :Yen Phan

35 Graylon Way
Salisbury Park 5109 SA

Phone work

Caller Information

Joined ACF2015
State AssociationSACA
State RankingSACA - EMS Club Caller
Member of CallerLabYes

Caller Experience

Calling 48 Years of Experience
1969 First year of calling
10 years total break in calling
1998 Current year of break from calling
Club Calling 32 Years of experience
1974 First year of club calling
14 years total break in club calling

Calling/Cueing Abilities

Calls ContraNo
Cues CloggingNo
Calls One NightersYes
Cues Line DancingNo
Cues RoundsNo
Calls SquaresYes

National Convention Eligibility

Eligible for MainstreamY
Eligible for PlusN
Eligible for A1N
Eligible for A2N
Convention Assessment Level3+ [58 / 14]

Awards, Education and Memberships

MembershipSACA 2015-Present; SACA Equipment Officer 2017-Present; ACA 2016-Present; Callerlab 2015-Present; CoConvenor SA State Convention 2017 & Sound; Programming & Sound for 2018' 2019 & 2021 SA State Conventions.
International ExperienceSingapore (Club) 1974-76; USA National Convention 1976; Indonesia (3 Clubs) 1977-83, Japan (Club) 1984-88 & All Japan Conventions '85, '86, '87 & '88); China (Club) 1988-99; Malaysia (Club) 1989-94; Vietnam (ONS) 1994-97; USA, Scotland, Holland, Norway (Visiting Clubs) 2008-15.


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Yorke PromenadersTuesdayWeeklyMs